Website :
- Disappearing stars
- Space machines do not orbit the Earth
- Hubble and the International Space Station hoax
- There is glass in the sky
- Geostationary satellites
- Polar satellites
- Heliocentric theory is wrong (pt1)
- Heliocentric theory is wrong (pt2)
- Is the moon an optical illusion?
- Is the Sun a light-bulb?
- Concave Earth Theory
- Introduction to CEQ
- Why can’t I see the other side if I look up?
- How is there night and day?
- How is the Sun powered?
- How do satellites work?
- What about pictures from space?
- What causes Earthquakes?
- Where does cosmic background radiation come from?
- Where is the ventilation system needed?
- How does gravity work?
- What is gravity?
- Can this theory make predictions?
- What are the astronomical bodies?
- Why don’t asteroids fall to the Earth because of push gravity?
- What is on the outside?
- Isn’t this a conspiracy too far?
- Why hide the concave earth?