(infograph) What does God’s word say? (2 pages)
These pages below are from the Circle of the Earth Investigations document containing 40 pages like these below
Flat Earth Maps 1
Largest collection of FE maps on the web. Currently over 180+ not including the memes section.
FE Weather Radar (AE Projection)
There is a nice weather radar website that is https://earth.nullschool.net/ — this website once had an azimuthal equidistant projection of the weather and for some reason had it removed not too long ago. Currently there exists this on the web that is partially working with temperature and wind patters. Still super exciting! Definitely recommend checking it out. Here is a …
(videos) Bolivian Salt Flats
Check out these Bolivian Salt Flats! It’s flat as hell! No curvature! The reflection in the wet season combined with the added perspective lines really can help a seeking glober visualize how perspective works.
(tool) Map to Azimuthal Projection Converter
This is a tool that one can download to convert their premade 2:1 map to an Azimuthal projection. With this tool, found HERE one can convert their premade map to an azimuthal equidistant map projection equivalent. This program requires your map to be a 2:1 size ratio. * For example, a 1000×500 pixel ratio* Recommend the least distorted map projection available …
(interactive FE model) Walter Bisland Flat Earth Model
Please check out the following website to see a proper working flat earth model with the perspective dome demonstration. With this model you can check various details such as eclipse, sun and moon, lighting coverage, and more. http://walter.bislins.ch/bloge/index.asp?page=Flat+Earth+Dome+Model
General Map & Day/Night
As seen in the diagrams above, the earth is in the form of a disk with the North Pole in the center and Antarctica as a wall around the edge. This is the generally accepted model among members of the society. In this model, circumnavigation is performed by moving in a great circle around the North Pole. The earth is surrounded on …
More Flat Earth Research Sites
Check these websites out for additional content! http://flatearth101.com/ http://www.researchflatearth.com/ https://www.tfes.org/ https://www.flatearthresearch.com/ https://theflatearthsociety.org/home/ http://ifers.123.st/ https://jeranism.com/ https://aplanetruth.info/
(video) The Horizon is always flat (short feat Eric Dubay)
Video also includes a bit of NASA LIES
Perspective 3 – There is NO curvature!
After understanding how perspective works, and looking at multiple high altitude weather balloon footage where the horizon is perfectly flat, it is time to get a bit more serious. At heights of 120,000 , there should be noticeable curvature to the tune of the amounts shown on the fish eye cameras. As of writing this article at this time, I …