This post is to present a new / alternative perspective on the metaphysical/structural tree of life. We will let the graphics do the speaking. This assumes you have a basic understanding on what the tree of life is First, presenting a 3D model of (E8 Theory of Everything) Second, the Concave Earth version of the tree of life Concave Earth …
(ebook) Itzhak Bentov – On the Mechanics of Consciousness
Itzhak Bentov – Stalking the Wild Pendulum – On the Mechanics of Consciousness v2
(ebook+notes) The Serpent Power by Woodroffe (Veeraswamy Krishnaraj)
This PDF file contains the complete book of the Serpent Power as listed below. 1) THE SIX CENTRES AND THE SERPENT POWER By WOODROFFE. 2) Ṣaṭ-Cakra-Nirūpaṇa, Six-Cakra Investigation: Description of and Investigation into the Six Bodily Centers by Tantrik Purnananda-Svami (1526 CE). 3) THE FIVEFOLD FOOTSTOOL (PĀDUKĀ-PAÑCAKA THE SIX CENTRES AND THE SERPENT POWER See the diagram in the next
Mental Shamanic Control / Embedding in the CUBE OF SPACE (
7 Arrows: Mental – Shamanic Control / Embeddingin the CUBE OF SPACE.. from – from Sara > to contact Sara about her Shamanic Teaching: email- sara.torres2311 (at) – and Dan Winter(Dan Winter index: , Shamanic Control /Embedding – in the Cube of Space- Course Film with Dan Winter and Sara- – Dec 5 – 150 minutes Shamanic Control /Embedding – in the …
(video series) Inner Worlds, Outer Worlds
Summaries There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the Higgs field, dark energy, and a thousand other names throughout history.—Anonymous There is one vibratory field that connects all things. It has been called Akasha, Logos, the primordial OM, the music of the spheres, the …
(info) The Merkaba
Ancient mystical traditions (such as the Kabbalah), and contemporary channelled information (such as the “Keys of Enoch”) speak of the Merkaba as a vehicle for inter-dimensional travel. As we approach the moment of the Shift, formerly secret teachings about the Merkaba are coming to light. Is it possible to create a living Merkaba field through meditation?