(demonstrations) FE flat horizon rising to eye level*
Demonstrating how the horizon / what we see is directly linked to the observers altitude The higher the altitude the further out we can see, the lower, the less All the while, the horizon rises to the eye level of the observer. A theodolite has 2 eyepieces at different altitudes, one slightly higher than the other — this creates a …
(videos) NASA ISS Lens Corrected Footage
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(videos) Bolivian Salt Flats
Check out these Bolivian Salt Flats! It’s flat as hell! No curvature! The reflection in the wet season combined with the added perspective lines really can help a seeking glober visualize how perspective works.
(video) The Horizon is always flat (short feat Eric Dubay)
Video also includes a bit of NASA LIES
Perspective 3 – There is NO curvature!
After understanding how perspective works, and looking at multiple high altitude weather balloon footage where the horizon is perfectly flat, it is time to get a bit more serious. At heights of 120,000 , there should be noticeable curvature to the tune of the amounts shown on the fish eye cameras. As of writing this article at this time, I …
(video) Where is the curvature? by CelebrateTruth
This video shows high zoom photography, high altitude balloon footage, Bill Nye, the song “Where is the curve” , and more!