List updated 12-26-2019
- A synopsis of Phantom Time theory in my own words. A short introduction to the work of Anatoly Fomenko
- The world fairs were used as an excuse to demolish America’s ancient architectural heritage.
- Ottonian Empire vs Ottoman Empire. The truth about the Siege of Vienna and when did the Roman Empire really fall.
- The Star Fort conspiracy. Some star forts are called “Batteries” why is that?
- The little known “Woman’s holocaust” was part of a larger cultural genocide in the 16th and 17th centuries when the old knowledge was wiped out.
- Renowned brain surgeon Dr. Leonard Shlain stumbles into the cultural layer by accident and gives up medicine to become a historian when he realizes our history has been stolen. (Skip intro 2:19)
- The mysterious origin of Saint Petersburg. Impossible engineering marvels prove our history has been stolen.
- The linchpin of why phantom time exists. No old books exist! Only dishonestly copied and “corrected” books are used to support the official history. When genuinely old books surface they often contradict the official history and are ignored by the mainstream historians.
- Introduction to the world wide culture that used to exist prior to modernism that was subsequently deleted by historians. (Sylvie Ivanowa narrator)
- The Fate of the “1000 cities of Bactria,” Kingdom of Buddhist Greeks. Probable gap in history. Kingdom mysterious disappears only to reappear under a different name when 1,748,000 people died in one hour according to some legends.
- Scythian/Bactrian gold
- History’s greatest con job: the life of Genghis Khan is a work of fiction largely made up by one man named Baavuday Tsend Gun in 1908
- Origins and Spread of the Mongoloid Race
- Sir Isaac Newton: The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms, Amended [PDF]
- The oldest “clock” in Britain at Wells Cathedral could prove phantom history true.
- New Chronology by Nosovskiy and Fomenko MY OPINION ON FOMENKO
- The cemetery of “longevity” In Turkey …
Anomalous Soil Accumulation
- the post catastrophe world of Piranesi
- [Scratching the surface of the Indian “Cultural Layer”
- The full US capitol building exposed.
- Deadwood Underground
- How Shakespeare Drained Venice- The Merchant of Venice contains not a solitary reference to gondolas or canals, and nor does Othello
- Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha, Coimbra, Portugal – c1954 vs now (Excavated)
- Anomalous Soil Accumulation (Large album)
- “Polytechnical Museum” Moscow
- Grant street Hump District excavation:Pittsburgh “1900s”
- Buried Russian Churches; A Look Inside
- The Whitehouse is buried in the cultural layer. On August 24th 1814 Washington DC was sacked by the British and then saved by tornadoes. The storm buried the Whitehouse in mud up to the 2nd level.
- What is under the Washington Monument? An ancient structure resembling a Mayan Pyramid. It was excavated in the 1800s and buried under cement.
- The Arch of Septimius Severus
- Buried Copenhagen part 1
- Officially In the 13th century people poured 7 meters of dirt over the whole of Prague. Should we do the math? Where is the logic?
- Greek Floor Mosaic uncovered in 2014 in Turkey near Syrian Border
- 4 albums containing hundreds of examples showing an anomalous build up of soil and the necessary re-modeling.
- Moscow in early 1800’s oil paintings , everything is overgrown with vegetation
- Napoleon in Moscow paintings
- The Town of Rockwell, Texas
- At some point in time, possibly between 1875 and 1905, Chattanooga built up its roads and abandoned the first stories of the buildings in the downtown of the city, turning them into basements. Today, no one knows exactly why or how it happened
- Old Bayfield County Courthouse, Wisconsin built c.1896
- Chichen Itza
- Castle filled with dirt
- Unburying Rome – Italy
- Observing the cultural layer of the Ipatiev House (“Romanov murder house”)
- Cincinnati, Ohio, Eden Park, old resivoir walls.
- Church of St Sofia, Bulgaria
- Mysterious tunnels discovered in Florida
- Mud flood in the 19th century?
- Omaha Mud Flood: St. Mary Magdalene Church 1920 transformation
- Ancient rail-road tracks unearthed
- An interesting take on the history of canals and “train” Tunnels: Could they hint at something greater?
History Hoaxes and Manipulation
- Change my view: The floral wreath found in king Tuts tomb is not 2000 years old.
- The Great Tutankhamen Hoax
- til; aerial photography is illegal in Egypt.
- Were wars originally more similar to a sports event?
- The Medieval London Bridge (the one with all the buildings on top of it) being destroyed. Notice the megalithic blocks?
- Bank of England in ruins by Joseph Gandy
- The language of the Roman Empire
- Hagia Sophia is built on the foundation of an older temple, that is built on the foundation of an even o older temple.
- Year AD J775 ?? Year J788 ? Gravestones in a cemetery in Stratford, CT
- Is it or only me or this structure looks like the frame of an very modern building?
- Mexican temple of Santiago, master builder monks and our failed archaeology
Abandoned cities
- Toronto
- The empty streets of Saint Petersburg in the 1860s – where is everyone?
- Moscow 1867 — Where are the people???
- Thousands of years ago a ‘Mystery Culture’ dug a massive network of tunnels, cavities, and chambers beneath the city of Teotihuacan. The exact purpose of this ancient underground system of tunnels and chambers continues to elude scholars.
- A man takes very close look at a wall.
- Megalithic structure in Jersey City is 6 times wider than the great wall of China and weighs more than the Great Pyramid in Giza
- The ethereal staircase of Loretto Chapel
- The mysterious helix staircase of the Loretto Chapel in Sante Fe, New Mexico; allegedly built by a mysterious man in the 1870s from an unknown species of wood with no nails and without any obvious means of structural support.
- What do y’all think is goin on with the top of this building?
- Anomalous Polygonal Masonry in the small town of Chusovoy , Sverdlovskaya District, Russia
- Bathtub (granite: 196 cm, 152 cm, 53 cm) m made for tsar Alexander I, Russia 19th c.[705×555]
- Finding hints in the official narative. “Garðaríki”
Civil War
- [Is General Robert E Lee dead in this 1865 photo] (
- American civil war strangeness continued
People General Robert E. Lee astride
- “Antique World”. Alternative title; “Grand unified architectural style”
- Grand Unified Architectural Style: Antique Africa
- Our architectural heritage restored to it’s former glory only after the retreat of the Reds from East Germany.
- Interesting analogy
- Free energy capacitors in Bangladesh
- Mohenjo Daro nuclear strike, just not 3000 years ago.
- Mechanical fish and swan from the 1700s in simulated water of moving glass. Such intricate craftsmanship we cannot reproduce today. The people of the past were much smarter than us. This is technology from the phantom era historians erased from existence.
- We have been lied to about the capabilities, techniques and reasoning of our ancestors.
- 439 year old reservoir dam, outlasts its modern counterparts
- Lets talk about classical architecture. And other global architectural phenomenon, polygonal masonry, impossible craftsmanship, and strange metallic elements.
- Steel staircase? Encased in marble?
- Why London Underground is nicknamed “The Tube”
- The electric city of the 1800s. What powered their electric cars?
- Granite polygons of Kronstadt (not a single structure within the city is built with granite)
- Cast-iron flooring in ancient temples.
- Vorontsov palace, window frames hewed from a single piece of ultra hard diabase stone using crude iron hand tools?
- The medici lions at Vorontsov palace. Peculiar holes…
- a collection of lesser known yet stunningly detailed sculptures
- Staglieno Graveyard, Most Beautiful Cemetery in Italy and possibly the world
- Steel beams in antiquities?
- In electronics, porcelain (and ceramic derivatives) is widely used for insulating material due to its excellent non-conductivity.
- The Ancient Airfield Yundum
- The 100 year old Russian warship still in service.
- Lets talk polygonal masonry
- r/homogiganticus
- Peculiar Decorations Of The Medici
- let’s find out where the Boyers in Russia came from. Boyar coat -large cloaks of honor passed down through the generations.
- Giant Skeletons in old etchings
- Continuing the theme of mythological creatures representing true creatures.
- Australia could be something else…
- Russia and America on the same continent?
- Continent of North America does not exist… or could it be a part of Asia?
- 17 maps of the World, Poland, Italy, Rome, Northern Europe and Germany (1557-65)
- 17th Cent. map (Willem Blaeu) indicates Tartarians settled in N. America
- why would maps of Africa from 1800’s show more uncharted territory than those made in 1500’s?
- Pompeii on maps from 1570?
- Clear evidence for the supposition that Giovanni Battista Piranesi was recording what he saw in the minutest detail and was not illustrating fantasy as is often claimed
- Despite the general consensus antique corsets were and are not oppressive torture contraptions, but instead highly technical devices that correct posture, and positively effect spine heath.
- Old newspaper articles on Chilaga
- Legendary city of Norumbega: could it be Washington, DC?
- Kings of Florida, and vanished white Native American Kingdoms
- Ruins of Old Earth (Schoenung) – Best Of
- Inconvenient questions about the war; Just a few queries the world should answer before we do it all once more
- TIL: The basic outline of history taught to every child in America since the mid 1900s was written by prominent communist and science fiction writer H.G Wells in his “The Outline of History”
- Blackened cityscapes of the world
- American cars with their soviet twins. Is there something weird here or is it just me?
- resource guide
- I found a little video restoration effort on YouTube
- Anatoly Fomenko – New Chronology – History; fiction or science? — A fascinating Russian attempt (playlist, English subtitles) at seeking clarity through the distortions of modern “history”
- I recommend for a great non- reddit based forum where they are doing excellent research on topics related to this sub.
- collection of images i’ve gathered depicting south american sites before or during their excavation or “reconstruction”
- Huge archive of Star/Bastion Fort images/pics/designs (useful resource)
- “Declassified photos from U2 planes are helping archaeologists unlock the past”
- wiki’s
- ionic wind
- Invention Secrecy Act (1951)
- Ringwoodite is notable for being able to contain hydroxide ions (oxygen and hydrogen atoms bound together) Combined with evidence of its occurrence deep in the Earth’s mantle, this suggests that there is from one to three times the world ocean’s equivalent of water in the mantle transition zone.
- Hyperdiffusionism
- According to local folklore, the region was inhabited by Caeté Indians, who woke up one day to find their town covered by sand
- Sharing this wikipedia page to illustrate how, with the right eye, you can pick apart an mainstream article and get at the meat of whats been hidden.
- Vitrified fort
- List of star forts
- Polygonal masonry
Kindred subs
- r/alternativehistory
- r/alternativeastronomy
- r/mudfossils
- r/Thunderbolts
- r/plasmacosmology
- r/homogiganticus
- r/historicalstreetview
- r/fringehub
- r/newchronology
- r/tartarianarchitecture
- r/tartaria
- r/newchronology
- r/AlternativeAstronomy
Youtube channels