The following images below are taken from this 40 page PDF file which you may view to learn more if you like what you see below.
Perspective Part 1
Learning perspective is absolutely critical to understanding how our world is truly flat. When Flat Earthers mention “There is no measurable curvature,” many Globers get confused because they cannot understand the meaning of this. What do you mean you can’t see curvature? I’ve seen curvature with my own eyes! I’ve seen curvature by the beach when I see boats disappear, …
Start 20 areas of research to find out the Earth is flat
Research Flat EarthBy Richard Lopez/ Facebook Page: Flat Earth News & ReportsFrom are 20 areas for you to Research and draw your own conclusions. 1) Every photo of the Earth is Photoshopped or CGI composites. A real photo of the Earth is not available. 2) The Earth has no curvature to be measured. The Earth does not curve downwards as it should if it were …
(video) Where is the curvature? by CelebrateTruth
This video shows high zoom photography, high altitude balloon footage, Bill Nye, the song “Where is the curve” , and more!
(videos) Perspective – Stars and Constellations
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(info) The Merkaba
Ancient mystical traditions (such as the Kabbalah), and contemporary channelled information (such as the “Keys of Enoch”) speak of the Merkaba as a vehicle for inter-dimensional travel. As we approach the moment of the Shift, formerly secret teachings about the Merkaba are coming to light. Is it possible to create a living Merkaba field through meditation?