(demonstrations) FE flat horizon rising to eye level*
Demonstrating how the horizon / what we see is directly linked to the observers altitude The higher the altitude the further out we can see, the lower, the less All the while, the horizon rises to the eye level of the observer. A theodolite has 2 eyepieces at different altitudes, one slightly higher than the other — this creates a …
(pdfs) An Universal History, from the earliest account of time to the present
An Universal History, from the earliest account of time to the present; compiled from original Authors and illustrated with maps, cuts, notes, chronological and other tables (The Ancient Part) FOLIO EDITION https://archive.org/details/AnUniversalHistoryFOLIOEDITION1734 PDF FILESdownload 56 filesUplevel BACK129.1MUniversal History FOLIO EDITION Volume 1 (First Edition) download482.1MUniversal History FOLIO EDITION Volume 1 (Second Edition) download93.9MUniversal History FOLIO EDITION Volume 2 (First Edition) download348.6MUniversal History FOLIO EDITION Volume …
(videos) NASA ISS Lens Corrected Footage
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(Pictures) Chronological Maps of History
EXHIBITING AT ONE VIEW THE REVOLUTIONS OF EMPIRES AND SATES, FROM THE RENOVATION OF THE WORLD AFTER THE DELUGE, A.M. 1657 TO THE FRENCH REVOLUTION, A.D. 1789 Antique hand colored diagram “Exhibiting at one View the Revolutions of Empires and States, from the Renovation of the World after the Deluge, A. M. 1657, to the French Revolution, A. D. 1789,” …
What does Hinduism say about the shape of the Earth?
Maruthi Sreenath, started spiritual journey , kundalini yoga In Vedas Bhu-mandala is mentioned ,mandala means circular ,it clearly says earth is stationary, flat or plane circular with all stars,wandering stars(grahas or planets) 6 realms(lokas) above earth etc revolving circularly around plane earth. Read book ,SAILING TO JAMBÜDVÉPA The Mäyäpur Vedic Planetarium and the Flat Earth According to Çrémad-Bhägavatam By Mäyeçvara …
(pdf) Popular electricity in plain English v. 1 (1908)(Rare)
https://ia600609.us.archive.org/32/items/popularelectrici01chic/popularelectrici01chic.pdf (Large file , 130MB)Electric motors, electric railways, electric everything! 1908! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Y5LG_TzdIym3OMgErQrzgfPcuZW1SsAY/view?usp=sharing
1000 years of fake history? Introducing Phantom Time Theory
This text below was copied from : https://www.stolenhistory.org/threads/efimok-coin-fomenkos-phantom-time-and-added-1-000-years-of-history.441/ thanks to user KorbenDallas Could not really help it but start this thread on the issue of date depictions. It appears that at some undetermined (so far) time we acquired this digit “1” in the year date on a more or less permanent basis. Prior to it we have either “I – (i)” or the same “I” but …
Flat Earth Memes 2
This is part 2 of Flat Earth Memes covering various topics. Check out Part 1 first, and see this one after if you wish.
Flat Earth Maps 2
Flat earth maps compilation part 2. Part one has over 170+ pictures , check that one first.
The contents below may be of relevance to the reader. The contents below is taken directly from : http://forthosewitheyestosee.blogspot.com/2014/07/truestory-usa-happy-4th-of-july.html 02.07.2014 Truestory USA – happy 4th of July 4th of July celebrates the entry of the sun into the 2nd decan of Cancer, which stands for “home”, ergo you have homeland celebrations on this day. This decan is ruled by Scorpio, therefore it …
(summaries) Perennial Wisdom (Religions summarized)
RELIGION: Kindly mirrored from https://www.theosociety.org/pasadena/ts/pere_wis.htm The Theosophical Library has scriptures and commentaries from sacred traditions around the world. The following quotations were drawn from this collection. They were chosen to illustrate the universality of the perennial wisdom and its most basic concepts: the oneness of all life, and the essential divinity of all that exists. INDIA Hinduism . . . there are …